It is our priority to ensure the health and safety of all our participants. Therefore we abide the public measures to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. We are very sad that XYZ cannot take place this March but are looking forward to still make this Festival happen together with you in the future.

XYZ is a new design fest­iv­al in Ber­lin tak­ing place on March 23–28. With our first edi­tion, we are focus­ing on the top­ic of Con­tem­por­ary Type. We have invited excit­ing prot­ag­on­ists from the field of typo­graphy to enable an inspir­ing dia­logue through vari­ous lec­tures, two work­shop bundles and a pub­lic exhib­i­tion. XYZ cre­ates a space for pro­gress­ive think­ing and exper­i­ment­al approaches, which provides you the oppor­tun­ity to devel­op your skills and broaden your hori­zons. Come and join us for a great week focus­ing on cur­rent approaches in type design!


Lectures, 23.3.2020

To start off the fest­iv­al, we have invited vari­ous design­ers from all over Europe to give insights into their work and share their views on cur­rent tend­en­cies in type design. The lec­tures will take place on Monday, March 23, at BAM Ber­lin, Ritter­straße 8. The admis­sion is free. Tick­ets avail­able here:


Entry (free)



Panel 1:


Laura Csocsán

About my first typeface – Through­out her talk, Laura Csoc­sán will intro­duce her back­ground in graph­ic design with an emphas­is on type-heavy work, focus­ing on her shift towards type design and how this peri­od dir­ec­ted her to learn about it – mainly in an auto­di­dact man­ner. Laura Csoc­sán will share the pro­cess, insights and think­ing behind her latest typeface, Ambi­ant, while talk­ing about her exper­i­ence with find­ing mis­takes, inspir­a­tion, and learn­ing materials.

Vera van de Seyp

Pro­gram­ming typo­graphy – Vera van de Seyp’s talk is about using code that cre­ates and employs typo­graphy: kin­et­ic, exper­i­ment­al or entirely para­met­ric. A few examples from her prac­tice are demon­strated, start­ing from the code as well as dis­cuss­ing the work from the per­spect­ive of the design concept.





Panel 2:


Charlotte Rohde

Skin­care for Unruly Bod­ies – Char­lotte will give a brief over­view over her body of work in the field of type design and present her research and craft in pro­gress as they revolve around hydro­fem­in­ism, emo­tion­al­ity, skin care and (visu­al) language.

Matthieu Salvaggio (BLAZE TYPE)

Jour­ney in Type Design – In his talk, type design­er Mat­thieu Sal­vag­gio will describe his per­son­al jour­ney to type design and will give insights into the estab­lish­ment of his own type foundry – BLAZE TYPE. Mat­thieu will provide insights into the found­ing of a type foundry and wants to present altern­at­ive paths in the occu­pa­tion­al world of design.

Johannes Breyer (DINAMO)

All Fontz are Bastards –
Din­amo will talk about their vari­able way of work­ing and the use of in-house design tools as a meth­od to explore new aes­thet­ics and the ges­tur­al poten­tial of typefaces. As an example of Dinamo’s search for formats out­side of type design itself, a small batch of cur­rently being developed face fil­ters will get premiered; masks on! For the busi­ness people amongst us we’ll take a glimpse into 1 year of col­lec­ted sales stat­ist­ics, share nev­er-spoken-about industry gos­sip and try to for­tune-tell where all of this might be going.

Workshops, 24.–28.3.2020

This year we offer you two Work­shop Bundles. In the first stage, we have organ­ized two 3‑day work­shops, which will take place sim­ul­tan­eously and from which you can choose: BLAZE TYPE and DINAMO. After that, both work­shops will be merged so that you can devel­op a concept for the pub­lic exhib­i­tion togeth­er in cooper­a­tion with STUDIO BENS.


Type Revival

3‑day work­shop (24.3.– 26.3.), Mat­thieu Sal­vag­gio (BLAZE TYPE)

Becom­ing a type design­er can be very demand­ing, how­ever the tech­nic­al know­ledge can be quite easy obtained. Blaze Types Work­shop intends to teach some basic skills by work­ing on a clas­sic of the learn­ing pro­cess: (re)designing a font. By dis­cuss­ing the very concept of reviv­al font design, learn­ing how to get around, ingest­ing some type design rules and ques­tion­ing how and why we need to break them, this work­shop will give an intro­duc­tion to the world of type design.

Bigger is Better

2‑day work­shop (27.3.–28.3.), Jens Ludewig (STUDIO BENS)

What’s a Typeface if it’s not used and abused?
In a 2‑day fol­low up work­shop STUDIO BENS will push you through a mix of poster and exhib­i­tion work­shop. Mak­ing the best out of a real nice store win­dow, a great white cube and whatever you’ve cre­ated in one of the earli­er work­shops. The work­shop will guide you through the basics of mak­ing an exhib­i­tion with noth­ing but some raw fonts and nearly no time. 


Variable Font Mystery Trip

3‑day work­shop (24.3.– 26.3.), Johannes Brey­er, DINAMO

In a series of exer­cises (ran­ging from abstract or purely visu­al to con­crete and con­cep­tu­al – in both ana­logue and digit­al set­tings) our work­shop, will invest­ig­ate the poten­tial of storytelling and con­text spe­cif­ic typo­graph­ic treat­ments in Vari­able Font designs from 2 to many axes. Lots of exper­i­ment­ing. Even­tu­ally, all par­ti­cipants will design their own Vari­able Fonts while keep­ing in mind how they can be imple­men­ted into lar­ger design pro­jects both for print and Web. Doing so, get to know a hand­ful of Dinamo’s pub­lic (Font Gaunt­let) and in-house pro­duc­tion tools.

Bigger is Better

2‑day work­shop (27.3.–28.3.), Jens Ludewig (STUDIO BENS)

What’s a Typeface if it’s not used and abused?
In a 2‑day fol­low up work­shop STUDIO BENS will push you through a mix of poster and exhib­i­tion work­shop. Mak­ing the best out of a real nice store win­dow, a great white cube and whatever you’ve cre­ated in one of the earli­er work­shops. The work­shop will guide you through the basics of mak­ing an exhib­i­tion with noth­ing but some raw fonts and nearly no time. 

Exhibition, 28.3.2020

On the last day of the fest­iv­al, March 28, there will be a pub­lic exhib­i­tion where the res­ults of the work­shops will be shown and cel­eb­rated. It takes places at BAM Ber­lin, Ritter­straße 8. Admis­sion is free.


Entry (free)



Laura Csocsán

Laura Csoc­sán is an inde­pend­ent graph­ic and type design­er based in Bud­apest, Hun­gary. She finds her interest in pro­jects where graph­ic and type design inter­sect, cre­at­ing works that involve cus­tom typo­graph­ic­al solu­tions for cli­ents in the field of music, cul­ture, and art. Besides her focus on prin­ted mat­ter, magazines, books and iden­tit­ies, she’s pro­du­cing and dis­trib­ut­ing retail typefaces through Laura Csoc­sán Typefaces.

Johannes Breyer

Johannes Brey­er is a Ger­man / Chilean graph­ic design­er based in Ber­lin. Se habla Español. He stud­ied in Zurich and worked for design stu­dio NORM before gradu­at­ing from the Ger­rit Rietveld Academie in Ams­ter­dam. Togeth­er with Fabi­an Harb, he is run­ning the Swiss type design prac­tice Din­amo. Their font cata­logue includes Favor­it, Whyte, Monu­ment Grotesk, Ginto & Laica, and a couple of still unpub­lished typefaces. Din­amo won the Swiss Design Awards 2017 and both founders are mem­bers of the AGI Alli­ance Graph­ique Inter­na­tionale as of 2018.

Charlotte Rohde

Char­lotte Rohde is a (type-⁠)⁠designer and artist, cur­rently based in Ams­ter­dam. As part of the Sand­berg Design Depart­ment, she is research­ing on how type as a form of magic can be used to embody and shape fem­in­ist dis­courses with­in our soci­ety. Her work reaches from design­ing posters, books and her own typefaces to ceram­ic sculp­tures and spa­cial install­a­tions. She also writes poetry, teaches work­shops and hosts vari­ous events.

Matthieu Salvaggio

Mat­thieu Sal­vag­gio is the founder of Blaze Type and head of the nation­al depart­ment of design of Ynov School. His work in poster design and type design has been awar­ded and shown across vari­ous exhib­i­tions (Golden Bee, Graph­ic Design Scot­land, etc.). For the past years his atten­tion has been essen­tially focused on design­ing & devel­op­ing new retail fonts for his foundry and find­ing new tal­ents to pro­mote on his platform.

Vera van de Seyp

Vera van de Seyp is a design­er and cre­at­ive coder. She likes cre­at­ing gen­er­at­ive design tools, lan­guages, and explor­ing the poten­tial of new tech­no­lo­gies such as machine learn­ing for the design field. Liv­ing and work­ing in Ams­ter­dam and Ant­werp, she runs a design prac­tice, is part of vari­ous cre­at­ive cod­ing com­munit­ies and teaches Digit­al Media at the graph­ic design depart­ment of ArtEZ, Arnhem.

Jens Ludewig

Jens Ludewig is a graph­ic design­er from Ber­lin, co-founder of STUDIO BENS and UdK Ber­lin Alumni. His work is focused on trans­lat­ing all kinds of con­tent for all kinds of media into clas­sic­al graph­ic design – mostly through heavy use of typo­graphy. Work­ing with cli­ents from vari­ous back­grounds, he aims at cre­at­ing strong visu­al con­cepts by using con­tem­por­ary type. 


XYZ is a new design fest­iv­al in Ber­lin, organ­ized and intro­duced by Sally Paschmann, Mar­ina Engel­hardt and Jens Ludewig. The fest­iv­al cre­ates a new plat­form for curi­ous and keen design­ers to exchange their ideas, learn from each oth­er and fur­ther their education. 

This year, we are ded­ic­at­ing the fest­iv­al entirely to the top­ic of Con­tem­por­ary Type. We want to give space to dis­cuss cur­rent trends in Type Design and exchange inform­a­tions about the mod­ern devel­op­ment. We hope you enjoy the very first edi­tion of XYZ! 


Applic­a­tion is closed. Based on the sub­mis­sions we will determ­ine the can­did­ates who can par­ti­cip­ate in one of the bundles. We will let you know until the 24.2.2020 if you are one of them. 
